by Neetu | May 31, 2021 | 1st, Fitness Activity, Manthan
Learning Outcome
Today you are going to perform the locomotor skill – Hopping.
Activity Description
When “Teacher says…”, children look at what the Teacher is doing and then follow the command.
Signal to the children to stop after 5-10 seconds, then gives a new command.
If I do not say “Simon says…” before a command, children should remain still.
Once the leader has done several commands, children may be given turns to lead the activity.
Suggestions for commands:
Jump on the spot, Hop on the spot on one foot, March like a soldier on the spot (knees up), Walk around slowly, Follow the leader while walking quickly, Jump around on two feet, Hop around on one foot, Skip around, Walk like a crab, Walk like a duck, Leap like a frog.
Place hoops around the activity space (one hoop per child).
Explain that the hoops are islands.
Call out a way for children to move (see Activity 1 above).
Children must move around the “water” between and around the islands (hoops).
When I call “shark attack!”, children must jump onto an island to be safe.
Once you have played a few rounds, take away half of the hoops.
Children are now allowed to “share” their island with one other friend.
Required Material
4 Boundary cone
by Neetu | Jul 2, 2020 | Fitness Activity
- Strike the Beach Volley Ball (ball) over the net line using a paddle
Equipment Required
1 paddle per student, 1 Beach Volley Ball, 1, jump rope, 4 saucer cone per pair
Play Area Set-Up
- Create 1 grid per 2 students with low profile cones.
- Divide grids in half using jump ropes.
- Pair students and send them into a grid, each with a paddle and 1 Beach Volley Ball per pair.
- Set Player 1 on one side of the rope, and Player 2 on the other side
Activity Description
- Today we’re going to play Net Ball with a paddle. You’ll work with a partner to send the Beach Volley Ball over the net (jump rope) so that your partner can strike it with a paddle.
- It will be important to toss (or serve) the Beach Volley Ball accurately to your partner
KEY TEACHING POINTS – Hold Paddle with a Hand-Shake Grip, Keep Wrist Firm, Paddle Flat (Parallel with Ground), Strike Beach Volley Ball Up in Front of Body
Grade Level Progression
- Player 1 tosses the Beach Volley Ball over the net; Player 2 must touch it with the paddle before it hits the ground. Player 2 then tosses the Beach Volley Ball over the net; Player 1 must touch it with the paddle before it hits the ground.
- Player 1 tosses the Beach Volley Ball over the net; Player 2 must strike the Beach Volley Ball up into the air before it hits the ground. Player 2 will then toss the Beach Volley Ball for Player 1 to strike and catch.
- Player 1 serves the Beach Volley Ball over the net; Player 2 volleys the Beach Volley Ball back over the net before it hits the ground. Allow up to 3 hits per side as students work to make it over the net. How many times can you and your partner volley the Beach Volley Ball back and forth?
Challenges & Modifications
- Use cones to raise the jump rope (net) 12 to 18 inches off of the ground. Students must volley the object over the net.
- Remove the jump rope (net), allowing students to volley and move freely throughout the area.
by Neetu | Jul 2, 2020 | Fitness Activity
- Strike the Beach Volley Ball upward with an open palm so that my partner can strike it before it hits the ground
Equipment Required
- 1 Beach Volley Ball per pair of students.
- Spot marker/saucer cone for every kid.
Play Area Set-Up
Pair students and send them into open space with 1 Beach Volley Ball per pair
Activity Description
- The objective of the game is to work with your partner to keep the Beach Volley Ball in the air as long as you can.
- As you play, I will give you and the partner feedback that will help you improve your striking and volleying skills.
- Start when I say, “GO.” Stop on the stop signal.
KEY TEACHING POINTS – Square to Target, Opposite Foot Forward, Tick Tock Swing, Contact Beach Volley Ball with Palm Waist High, Follow Through Up Toward Target
Grade Level Progression
- Allow students to strike the Beach Volley Ball as many times in a row as needed before passing it to their partners.
- Limit each student to 2 strikes before the Beach Volley Ball is passed to her/his partner.
- Players must volley the Beach Volley Ball back and forth with a partner with only 1 strike
Challenges & Modifications
- Add players to groups for an added challenge. Volleys can be made in a pattern, after a certain number of self-volleys, or with no restrictions.
- Allow students to catch and then serve the Beach Volley Balls to their partners
by Neetu | Jul 2, 2020 | Fitness Activity
- Work in personal space to volley Beach Volley Balls upward, and then move safely in general space to find a new Beach Volley Ball
Equipment Required
- 1 Beach Volley Ball
- 1 spot marker per student.
- Music Player.
Play Area Set-Up
- Scatter spots throughout the activity area.
- Each student with a Beach Volley Ball standing at a spot
Activity Description
- This activity is called Musical Beach Volley Ball Bop.
- When the music begins, strike the Beach Volley Ball straight up (with your dominant hand) so that it goes over your head. Strike it straight up as many times as you can before the music stops.
- When the music stops, put the Beach Volley Ball on the spot and then quickly walk to a new spot to find a new Beach Volley Ball.
- When the music starts again, start hitting your new Beach Volley Ball
KEY TEACHING POINTS – Body in Position, Swing to Strike Low with Palm, Push Up to Strike High with Finger Pads, Follow Through Straight Up
Grade Level Progression
- Students strike and then catch the Beach Volley Ball before striking it again.
- Practice with dominant and non-dominant hands. Introduce Beach Volley Ball to students who are ready to progress.
- Emphasize continuous hits with both dominant and non-dominant hands.
Challenges & Modifications
- When the music stops, challenge students to continuously strike the ball while they travel to a new spot. After each pause, they will be at new spots with the same Beach Volley Balls.
- Use the music as a simple start and stop cue. Students freeze and stay on their spots when the music stops, and then continue at the same spots when the music restarts.
by Neetu | Jul 2, 2020 | Fitness Activity
- Volley the Beach Volley Ball for maximum possible time till it hits the floor
- Understand self-space while volleying
Equipment Required
- 1 Beach Volley Ball/Foam ball
- 1 spot marker per student
Play Area Set-Up
- Scatter spots throughout the activity area.
- Each student with a Beach Volley Ball or foam ball at a spot
Activity Description
- Let’s play Keep It Up with the Beach Volley Ball!
- On the start signal, practice striking the Beach Volley Ball or ball straight up with your palm.
- How many strikes can you make without dropping the Beach Volley Ball/ball?
KEY TEACHING POINTS – Body in Position, Swing to Strike Low with Palm, Push Up to Strike High with Finger Pads, Follow Through Straight Up
Grade Level Progression
- Students strike and then catch the Beach Volley Ball before striking it again.
- Introduce Beach Volley Ball to students who are ready to progress.
- Emphasize continuous hits.
Challenges & Modifications
- Challenge students to keep the Beach Volley Ball or foam ball up with both their dominant and non-dominant hands.
- Toss the Beach Volley Ball to the student, allowing her/him to track the tossed object and then strike it upward.
by Neetu | Jul 2, 2020 | Fitness Activity
Work on striking skills and learn how different amount of force is needed while striking
Equipment Required
- 1 Hoop & 1 Beach Volley Ball per pair of students.
- Spot marker/saucer cone for every kid.
Play Area Set-Up
- Scatter spots throughout the activity area.
- Each student with a Beach Volley Ball standing at a spot
Activity Description
- It’s time to play Bull’s Eye! You’re going to try to underhand serve your ball so that it lands in your hoop.
- On the start signal, take turns serving the ball so that it lands in your hoop.
- Attempt 3 serves and then switch roles with your partner
KEY TEACHING POINTS – Square to Target, Opposite Foot Forward, Tick Tock Swing, Contact Beach Volley Ball with Palm Waist High, Follow Through Up Toward Target
Grade Level Progression
- Introduce the activity with students tossing the ball into the hoop. This establishes the activity management and demonstrates the task objective to the students. Then progress to the underhand serve.
- Implement the activity as written above.
- Challenge students to take a step back from the hoop after 3 successful serves in a row.
Challenges & Modifications
- Play Match Me If You Can. Give each pair a spot marker. Partner A attempts a serve from the spot. If the serve lands in the hoop, Partner B must attempt a serve from the same spot. If not, Partner B can move the spot and attempt a serve.
- Allow students to select an object to serve that promote greater success and/or enjoyment (e.g., a Beach Volley Ball).