

  • Strike the Beach Volley Ball upward with an open palm so that my partner can strike it before it hits the ground

Equipment Required

  • 1 Beach Volley Ball per pair of students.
  • Spot marker/saucer cone for every kid.

 Play Area Set-Up

Pair students and send them into open space with 1 Beach Volley Ball per pair

Activity Description

  1. The objective of the game is to work with your partner to keep the Beach Volley Ball in the air as long as you can.
  2. As you play, I will give you and the partner feedback that will help you improve your striking and volleying skills.
  3. Start when I say, “GO.” Stop on the stop signal.

 KEY TEACHING POINTS –  Square to Target, Opposite Foot Forward, Tick Tock Swing, Contact Beach Volley Ball with Palm Waist High, Follow Through Up Toward Target

Grade Level Progression 

  1. Allow students to strike the Beach Volley Ball as many times in a row as needed before passing it to their partners.
  2. Limit each student to 2 strikes before the Beach Volley Ball is passed to her/his partner.
  3. Players must volley the Beach Volley Ball back and forth with a partner with only 1 strike

Challenges & Modifications

  • Add players to groups for an added challenge. Volleys can be made in a pattern, after a certain number of self-volleys, or with no restrictions.
  • Allow students to catch and then serve the Beach Volley Balls to their partners

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