- A beanbag, soft foam ball, or sock ball (made by stuffing two socks into one another)
- Show your child the underhand catching stance: hands at waist height in front of stomach, palms facing upward, and pinky fingers almost touching.
- Stand 2-3 metres from your child and gently toss the ball into his or her hands.
- If your child has difficulty catching the ball, move closer (as little as 30 cm for small children).
- As your child begins to catch the ball consistently, move farther away. See how far away your child can catch the ball.
- Keep your ball tosses at waist height.
At distances of 5-10 metres, toss the ball slightly to each side – child should move their feet to get behind the ball
This activity develops hand-eye coordination, fine motor control, and the ability to track moving objects in the air. These skills transfer to sports and activities that involve flying objects (e.g., balls, shuttlecocks, frisbees, ribbons, sticks, batons).