
Movement skills/concepts
Static balance, throwing, running, and relationships (with others).

Mats, balls.
Groups of five–seven, with a ball per group. Children are standing, lined up one behind the other with their feet spread in a straddle position.

Roll to the back: The child at the front of the line rolls the ball under everyone’s legs to the back person, who retrieves the ball and runs to the front. Repeat in the new positions.

Front support: Two children are at either end of a ‘tunnel’ created by the rest of the group, who begin on hands and knees side by side on the floor and then, on a signal, lift up into a front support to form the tunnel. The child in front of the tunnel rolls the ball to the child at the back, who then runs to the front. The child at the front joins the start of the tunnel and the child at the end of the tunnel disengages from the tunnel to receive the ball.

Can you see …?
• tight muscles
• being still

You could ask …
How can you hold the front support position?

Vary static balance position: Try a ‘V’ sit or back support, and throw the ball over and roll under. Have a race with another group and see who finishes first.


Review Skill/Activity, stretching, and questions.


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