Learning Outcome
Understand the concept of Aerobic Capacity, Speed, Agility
Activity Description
Each person will have an island (Spot Marker) and a piece of treasure (noodlette). The object is to collect the most treasure. Students may only pick up one piece of treasure at a time and then must take it back to their island. No one may guard their island, or cover up their treasure during the game.
Main Game – Leaning Tower of Noodles
All students will collect a noodle then find a partner. The teacher will have the partners find an open space in the activity area where they will stand one step apart. Each partner will place their noodles on the floor like a tower with their hand on top. When the activity begins, they will say “go” and let go of their noodle and attempt to catch their partner’s noodle before it falls to the ground. If successful, they will each take a step further apart and try it again. If they are unsuccessful, they may try again from the same distance. The game continues until the warm-up is over. For safety, students may not dive or slide on the floor.
Required Material
4 Boundary cone, Spot Marker, 1 noodle per student, Many noodlettes