Movement skills/concepts
Throwing a ball for accuracy and distance, and fielding a thrown ball.
- Tennis balls.
- Two even teams of six-eight, with three balls between them: each team occupies one end third of a netball court or similar area.
A player from one team attempts to bounce the ball in the center third and make it across the opponent’s goal line to score a point. The opposing players try to intercept and bounce it back. Throwers may move to the line to throw but not into the center court.
After a time, introduce a second and then a third ball.
Can you see …?
- step, throw, follow-through
- wrist and finger flick
- covering space
You could ask …
What helps you to get more force behind the throw?
How do you work as a team to stop the ball from crossing your goal line?
Vary skills: Roll the ball instead of bouncing it.