Movement skills/concepts
Striking a ball with a short implement (bat/racquet), underhand serve, and judging distance.
- Racquets/bats, balls.
- Teams of four–five, with two rackets and one ball per team.
- In a hard area, each team works within two target areas about 5 meters apart.
A player stands at each target area, a third player is designated umpire and the other team members wait. The player with the ball drop serves to the opponent’s court and the opponent plays it back on the first bounce. A player who misses the ball and opponent’s court places the bat on the ground and becomes the umpire. The umpire joins the waiting line, and the next waiting player picks up the bat ready to receive a serve.
- quick positioning of feet for forehand or backhand
- eyes on ball
- full backswing and following through
Extend skills: As skill develops, reduce the size of the targets and/or increase the distance between them.
Vary team organization: Play doubles, taking alternate hits.
Vary equipment and skill: Use a table tennis bat and ball or shuttlecock.