Movement skills/concepts
Static balance, locomotor skills, evading a tagger and space awareness.
Children are spread out in a defined grass or hard surface area: one or two children are taggers; the rest are runners.
Taggers try to tag the runners. If tagged, a runner becomes ‘stuck in the mud’ and holds a static balance (e.g. straddle, scale balance, front support) until released.
To release a stuck child, a free runner must crawl under, step over or run around them, with the movement depending on the stuck runner’s static position.
Can you see …?
• head up to see others
• tight muscles to hold balance
You could ask …
Taggers: How will you work together to tag the runners?
Runners: What can you do to hold your balance while you wait to be freed?
Vary locomotor and balance skill: Try hopping or skipping as locomotor skill, and front support as balance skill.
Review Skill/Activity, stretching, and questions.