Movement skills/concepts
Walking at different speeds, time, and energy.
- Grass or hard surface area, with a boundary line to move to and from.
- Children in pairs or groups of three-four, with one pacesetter in each pair/group.
The pacesetter changes the pace from very slow to slow, to medium, to fast and back again. The other(s) in the pair/group walk along at the pace established by the pacesetter.
Change the pacesetter after one circuit of the course or one lap to the boundary and back, or according to the direction of the coach/teacher.
- walking tall
- arms swinging slightly
- toes pointed straight ahead
- heel-toe action
- maintaining walking action at the speed
Change walk: As well as changing pace, leaders vary the kind of walk.
Vary locomotor skill: Alternate walking with some other activity (e.g. skipping, jumping).