Movement skills/concepts
Dribbling in pathways, kicking for accuracy, kicking over a low height, and relationships (with others).
- A variety of obstacles and targets, (e.g. rubbish bins, storage boxes, marker cones, discs/bases, hoops, benches, chairs).
- A hard surface or grass area is set out like a golf course, with bins and boxes to dribble around, cones to zigzag through, hoops to kick into and poles to kick over.
The object of the game is to complete the course with the fewest number of kicks possible.
Children count the number of kicks it takes to complete the course.
When they have finished the course, they go again trying to lower their score.
Can you see …?
- gentle tapping of the ball for dribbling
- contacting ball directly behind it for kicking along the ground
- contacting ball below its center for kicking over a low height
You could ask …
Which kind of kick did you select for the large obstacles like the bin? To lower your score, what do you need to do?
Introduce a partner: Alternate kicks with a partner and have a challenge with another partner.