Movement skills/concepts
Passing a large ball, moving into space, defending, evading and relationships (with others).
- Large balls, skittles, team bands/bibs.
- A defined hard surface area with a 3–5-metre circle marked at each end and a skittle in the centre of each circle.
- Two teams of six-eight each: one player on each team is the guard and the others are rovers.
From a toss-up at the centre, the team with possession passes the ball and attempts to knock down the opponents’ skittle.
Use netball and basketball rules as needed for stepping, ball holding, contact and obstruction. A free pass for infringements. Rovers may not enter the circle.
Can you see …?
- using space, no crowding
- the right pass for the situation, e.g. bounce, lob
- fair play
You could ask …
When will you pass the ball?
How can you stop your opponents from receiving the ball?
Change Set-up: Put in a centre line and restrict players to half of the court.
Increase the number of balls: Introduce a second ball.