

  • Use the cues for shooting and give shots a high rainbow arc.
  • Remember and recite the cues.

Equipment Required

1 spot marker per student, 1 basketball per 2 students, a 2 ft high object

 Play Area Set-Up

  1. Place half of the spots on the perimeter of the activity area. Scatter half of the spots inside the activity area.
  2. Set rubber penguins up in front of 2 spots as “challenge defenders.”
  3. Pair students, one student at an inside spot with a basketball, the other at a perimeter spot

Activity Description

  1. It’s for a speed challenge that will test all of your basketball skills. You and your partner will try to score as many baskets as you can in 2 minutes.
  2. When I say, “GO!” players next to the inside spots will use proper shooting form and shoot to the spot in front of them. After shooting, dribble to your partner on the perimeter and make an accurate bounce pass and switch positions. While waiting, perimeter players mirror the actions of offensive players.
  3. As soon as the pass is made, dribble to a new inside spot for another shot. Continue until you hear the stop signal.
  4. 2ft high objects are set up at a couple of spots as challenge defenders. Be sure to shoot over the top of the defender!

KEY TEACHING POINTS – Square Up to Target, Ball in Pizza Platter Position, Bend Knees, Extend Up, Snap Wrist, Wave-Goodbye Follow Through

 Grade Level Progression

  1. Play the activity as it is written above.
  2. Add obstacles like cones to general space for students to dribble around.
  3. Add students as passive “defenders” 1 pace in front of each spot. Offensive players must shoot up and over the defenders’ heads



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