Movement skills/concepts
Pushing and pulling in pairs, resisting pushing and pulling, hopping, and relationships (with others).
Children are in pairs of evenly matched skill on a suitable surface.
Two-handed tug of war: Partners face each other across a line and grasp one or both wrists. Each attempt to pull the other across the line. Next, try two hoops instead of the line.
Two-handed push: Partners face each other across a line and place their palms against the other’s palms. They both try to push their partner backwards so that they can walk across the line.
Hopping tug of war: Partners face each other, grasp wrists and raise one knee forward. They hop and pull until one contestant is forced to lower their leg.
Hopping push: Partners face each other with their hands on each other’s shoulders and one foot raised. Each tries to push their opponent back over a line while hopping. Signal change of feet frequently.
Turn the turtle: One child lies face down with arms and legs spread. Their partner tries to flip them onto their back.
Hand wrestle (Danish wrestling): Partners face each other, grasp one wrist with right/left hand and put an opposite foot forward. By pushing, pulling, and feinting, they try to make their partner move their front foot. The other foot may be moved to counter. A point is scored when the partner moves over their front foot.
Chinese boxing: Each partner holds the opponent’s right (left) wrist. The object is to touch the opponent’s shoulder.
Foot tug: Hooking foot to foot, opponents try to pull each other across a line.
Hoop wrestle: Two hoops are placed so that they touch. Each partner stands in a hoop and places their hands on their opponent’s shoulders. Pairs wrestle until one partner is forced outside the hoop. Skipping ropes, chalk circles or parallel lines could be used.
Ball tug: Partners face each other. Both grip a large ball, then try to pull each other across a line.
Indian wrestle: Partners lie on their stomachs facing each other. They grip right/left hands, with elbows on the ground and forearms upright. They try to make the back of their partner’s hand touch the ground.
Can you see …?
• evenly matched pairs
• strong, steady pushes and pulls
• strong grips
• friendly competition
• fair play and good sporting behaviour
You could ask …
What guidelines might you and your partner set up to enjoy these activities safely? What are examples of fair play and good sporting behaviour?
Review Skill/Activity, stretching, and questions.