Movement skills/concepts
Passing and catching a ball, defending, intercepting a ball and/or pass.
- Large balls.
- Groups of three, with one ball per group, in a defined grass or hard area.
Three players stand in a row. The end players face each other and the middle player faces the end player that holds the basket ball sized ball . The player with the ball throws the ball over the middle player’s head while the middle player attempts to catch the ball. If the middle player catches the ball they take the end that the ball was thrown from and becomes the thrower. The cones are set out as perimeters outside of which the middle player cannot step while ‘piggy in the middle’.
- Moving into space to take a pass
- Quick, straight passes
- A variety of passes
Vary rules: The two passers must stay behind lines that are about 3 meters apart and can only make a set number of passes before changing the interceptor.
Vary equipment and skills: Use different passes with balls, (e.g. soccer ball and kick).