Learning Outcome
To help children learn about different pathways (straight, curved, and zigzag).
Activity Description
Wipers – In this movement, patterned after the motion of windshield wipers, children move their hands and arms from right to left as the ribbon flows back and forth high in the air in a curved pathway.
Circles – “Hold the end of the stick and move your hand and arm in a large circle in front of your body. Can you make circles at your side? Can you make a circle over your head?”
Floor Sweeps – “Move your ribbon from side to side on the floor in front of you. Can you pretend that you are sweeping the floor?”
Fishing – Children use the ribbon stick like a fishing pole. They move the stick into the air and slightly behind the head, then bring the hand and arm forward as if throwing a fishing line into the lake. Next, they bring the line back over their heads and begin again making giant curved pathways above their heads.
Squiggle Down – This movement is similar to fishing except when children bring the ribbon forward they should shake it in a zigzag path from above their heads down to the floor.
Snakes – Children love to watch the ribbon move like a snake on the floor. Ask that children put the ribbon on the floor in front of them and then walk backward as they move the ribbon back and forth in a zigzag pathway
Required Material
4 Boundary cone, Dupatta/Rope