

Experience and develop passing to the partner and catching/receiving skills.

Equipment Required

4 large cones, 1 basketball per 2 students

 Play Area Set-Up

  1. Create boundaries for a large activity area with cones.
  2. Pair students, scattered throughout the area with a ball.

Activity Description

  1. We’re going to work on our passing skills with an instant activity called Passing Triathlon.
  2. As soon as you come into the activity area, get a partner and 1 basketball. Complete the following events: 10 chest passes, 10 bounce passes, 20 alternating bounce/chest passes (i.e., partner 1 – bounce pass, partner 2 – bounce pass, partner 1 – chest pass, partner 2 – chest pass, etc.).
  3. If you make an error and drop a pass, restart from where you left off.
  4. When you’re finished, put the ball on the floor and both partners hold the plank position until the stop signal.

KEY TEACHING POINTS – Passing: Thumbs Behind Ball, Fingers Apart on Sides, Step to Target, Push with Both Hands; Catching: Show Hands with Thumbs Together, Watch the ball into Hands, Catch with Soft Hands

 Grade Level Progression

 1: Play the activity as it is written above.

2: Continuous play. When finished, students take a step back and start again.

3: Students shuffle in a circle, facing each other, passing as they move.

Challenges & Modifications

  • Add an overhead pass as a Triathlon event.
  • Students complete three sets of bounce passes.





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