The students will be able to perform a parachute dance which promotes rhythm, coordination, the development of upper body strength, and locomotor skills
Equipment Required
Four cones for boundaries (same color), Beach ball Music Player & pen drive. Parachute.
Play Area Set-Up
- Spread the parachute completely and lay it on the ground
- Have children hold the handles of the parachute or rolled up edges
Activity Description
When the music begins hold for 4 sets of 8 counts.
Step-Close Sequence:
1-16 — Step R to R side and close L, taking weight onto the L foot (2 counts). Repeat the move for a total of 8 times for a total of 16 counts. On the last count, tap with the L foot so that the move can be reversed.
1-16 — Step L to the L side and close R, taking weight onto the R foot (2 counts). Repeat the move for a total of 8 times for a total of 16 counts.
Shake and Sway Sequence:
1-8 — Stand in place and gently shake the parachute up and down to the music.
1-8 — Repeat the shaking movements.
1-8 — Students will all sway to the R for 2 counts, back to the center for 2 counts, to the L for 2 counts, and back to the center for 2 counts.
1-8 — Repeat the swaying movements for 8 more counts.
The Mushroom Move Sequence:
1-8 — Raise the arms above the head making the parachute lift into the air to form a “mushroom
For younger children, you can slow down the step-close sequence and only do half
as many movements Ask the students all the sequences and clear all doubts.