Movement skills/concepts
Underarm throw at a target, judging distance and strategy.
- Grids marked on hard area or wall, two small softballs/beanbags per grid, five cross markers, and five nought markers.
- Two teams of two-three each: one is noughts, the other is crosses; one team stands on either side of the grid, or both teams face the wall.
Teams take turns to underarm throw a ball, aiming to hit one of the squares on the full. When a square is hit on the full, the throwing team places one of its markers on it.
The aim is to mark three squares across, down, or diagonally.
Can you see …?
- stepping towards target
- eyes on target
- long arm swing
- following through
You could ask …
How will you decide which square to aim for?
What can you do to ensure that you land in the square that you want?