Learning Outcome
Experiment with different ways of Striking and then catching a noodle
Activity Description
Activity 1 : Flip & Catch
Show how to flip it end over and catch it. Emphasize trying to catch the end that is far away when they start so that it only does one half of a rotation.
Partner Game: Make it a partner game where one flips where the other catches in turns.
Activity 2: Kick & Catch
Show how to kick the noodle on one end using Thigh/foot and catch it. Emphasize trying to keep control of the noodle when kicked and it should remain straight to make it easy to catch.
Partner Game: Make it a partner game where one kicks where the other catches in turns. Reemphasize working in a confined space and prevent noodles from floating around in the air.
Activity 3: Hand Toss & Catch
Toss with hand & strike: Show how to strike the noodle on one end using your hand and catch it. Emphasize trying to keep control of the noodle when kicked and it should remain straight to make it easy to catch.
Partner Game: Make students play the game with a partner where like Volleyball serve where one student tosses & strikes using hand and the partner student catches it. Have them do it turn-wise.
Required Material
4 Boundary cone, noodle