Learning Outcome
Experiment with different ways of tossing and then catching a noodle
Activity Description
Activity 1: Drop & Catch
Show and tell the students how to hold the noodle straight up and down, drop it, and catch it after it bounces (this is tricky too!). Emphasize being in control
Challenges: Increase the speed of dropping by increasing the drop height.
Activity 2: Toss & Catch
Show and tell how to toss the noodle in the air (emphasize on keeping it straight up) and catch it with both hands.
Challenges: Start by keeping the throw low, then medium-high, and then higher
Emphasize being in control of the noodle throw and not trespass others personal space
Activity 3: Horse Shoe catch & Toss
A partner game where one student holds the noodle-making a
Horse Shoe shape by bending the noodle; the other students throw the ball towards the student holding the noodle who tries to catch the ball by creating an appropriate gap while holding the noodle in the Horseshoe shape
Reverse Horseshoe Catch & Toss – Repeat the exercise by reversing the horseshoe shape
Required Material
4 Boundary cone, Noodle