Learning Outcome
Understand the concept of good balance. Perform locomotor skills and movements safely with balance
Activity Description
Ask the students what “balance” is. Tell them a good balance with a noodle is when you can count slowly to three.
Demonstrate how to balance a noodle with the end of it on your open hand while counting softly and slowly to three. One by one have the students get a noodle.
Have students try to balance on their Hand, on Palm, on fingers only, on Three fingers, on Two fingers, and finally on one finger
Lead the students through a number of other balance as mentioned below using different body parts:
Head, Forhead, Thigh, Back of Neck
Challenges: Have them pick the balance activity which they find most comfortable and do it for 5 seconds by making them count from one to five
Required Material
4 Boundary cone,1 noodle per student, 1 spot marker per student