

  • Strike the Beach Volley Ball (ball) over the net line using a paddle

Equipment Required

1 paddle per student, 1 Beach Volley Ball, 1, jump rope, 4 saucer cone per pair

Play Area Set-Up

  1. Create 1 grid per 2 students with low profile cones.
  2. Divide grids in half using jump ropes.
  3. Pair students and send them into a grid, each with a paddle and 1 Beach Volley Ball per pair.
  4. Set Player 1 on one side of the rope, and Player 2 on the other side

Activity Description

  1. Today we’re going to play Net Ball with a paddle. You’ll work with a partner to send the Beach Volley Ball over the net (jump rope) so that your partner can strike it with a paddle.
  2. It will be important to toss (or serve) the Beach Volley Ball accurately to your partner 

KEY TEACHING POINTS –  Hold Paddle with a Hand-Shake Grip, Keep Wrist Firm, Paddle Flat (Parallel with Ground), Strike Beach Volley Ball Up in Front of Body

 Grade Level Progression

  1. Player 1 tosses the Beach Volley Ball over the net; Player 2 must touch it with the paddle before it hits the ground. Player 2 then tosses the Beach Volley Ball over the net; Player 1 must touch it with the paddle before it hits the ground.
  2. Player 1 tosses the Beach Volley Ball over the net; Player 2 must strike the Beach Volley Ball up into the air before it hits the ground. Player 2 will then toss the Beach Volley Ball for Player 1 to strike and catch.
  3. Player 1 serves the Beach Volley Ball over the net; Player 2 volleys the Beach Volley Ball back over the net before it hits the ground. Allow up to 3 hits per side as students work to make it over the net. How many times can you and your partner volley the Beach Volley Ball back and forth?

Challenges & Modifications

  • Use cones to raise the jump rope (net) 12 to 18 inches off of the ground. Students must volley the object over the net.
  • Remove the jump rope (net), allowing students to volley and move freely throughout the area.

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