- Work in personal space to volley Beach Volley Balls upward, and then move safely in general space to find a new Beach Volley Ball
Equipment Required
- 1 Beach Volley Ball
- 1 spot marker per student.
- Music Player.
Play Area Set-Up
- Scatter spots throughout the activity area.
- Each student with a Beach Volley Ball standing at a spot
Activity Description
- This activity is called Musical Beach Volley Ball Bop.
- When the music begins, strike the Beach Volley Ball straight up (with your dominant hand) so that it goes over your head. Strike it straight up as many times as you can before the music stops.
- When the music stops, put the Beach Volley Ball on the spot and then quickly walk to a new spot to find a new Beach Volley Ball.
- When the music starts again, start hitting your new Beach Volley Ball
KEY TEACHING POINTS – Body in Position, Swing to Strike Low with Palm, Push Up to Strike High with Finger Pads, Follow Through Straight Up
Grade Level Progression
- Students strike and then catch the Beach Volley Ball before striking it again.
- Practice with dominant and non-dominant hands. Introduce Beach Volley Ball to students who are ready to progress.
- Emphasize continuous hits with both dominant and non-dominant hands.
Challenges & Modifications
- When the music stops, challenge students to continuously strike the ball while they travel to a new spot. After each pause, they will be at new spots with the same Beach Volley Balls.
- Use the music as a simple start and stop cue. Students freeze and stay on their spots when the music stops, and then continue at the same spots when the music restarts.