Learning Outcome
Creative Walking, walking in different ways with expression (space and body awareness).
Activity Description
Ask children to walk to a variety of music, moving in the way it makes them feel, using arms and facial expressions to help.
Ask children to walk like they are:
• in a graveyard at night
• walking a dog
• wearing a tight miniskirt
• wearing gumboots
• in thick mud
• moving along a narrow ledge
• happy, sad, excited, angry
• a toddler with nappies on – whoops!
• a waiter carrying a tray of drinks
• a woman in high-heeled shoes
• someone who has won Lotto
• someone who has a hole in their pants!
in a graveyard at night …
walking a dog!
Can you see …?
• enjoyment
• creativity
• walking to the feel of the music
You could ask …
How can you show your feelings? Which walk did you enjoy the best?
Create a movement story: For example, base it on the storybook, We’re Going on a Bear Hunt.
Required Material
4 Boundary cone, ribbons, scarves, poi, or ribbon balls.