
Movement skills/concepts

Rolling along a long axis, body control, space awareness and relationships (rolling with a partner).


Mats. Children are spaced freely on a wooden floor or grass surface, sharing a mat with a partner.


Children do an individual log roll:

  • lie on your back, stretched out, with your arms above your head and your hands clasped then, with a long, stiff body, roll from back to front to back
  • do a log roll, one way and then the other
  • do a log roll without letting your arms and legs touch the mat

Can you see …?

  • maintaining a long body position

You could ask …

What do you need to do to keep you arms and legs off the ground when you are log rolling?


Log roll relay: In groups of 6, half are the rollers and the other half are the leapers. The two groups stand at opposite ends of a mat. On a signal, rollers (spaced apart) start log rolling down the mat. Leapers leap over the approaching rolling logs.

When rollers reach the end of the mat, the rollers become the leapers and the leapers become the rollers.


Review Skill/Activity, stretching, and questions.


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