
Movement skills/concepts

Striking a stationary ball with a long implement (cricket bat) for distance and accuracy, and fielding a ball.


  • Cricket bats, small balls in container, tees or foam blocks, spray-paint/marker dust/ chalk and cones, markers.
  • Groups of approximately four–five:
  • one as batter and the rest as fielders, including one keeper.
  • Extending out in a funnel shape from a batting mark, pairs of markers are placed at set intervals.


The batter hits a ball between markers, and scores run for the distance gained.

Fielders attempt to keep the score as low as possible and return the balls to the keeper. Caught balls do not score. The batter has five hits. Runs per hit are added together to give a total score. Rotate players.

  • side on to the direction of hit
  • straight backlift
  • stepping front foot beside the ball
  • vertical bat
  • following through


Vary implement: Use a softball tee and bat, hockey stick or golf club.

Lob ball: Instead of a tee, have a player drop the ball for the hitter or lob the ball to the hitter.

Other striking skills: Include kicking, punting, and striking with the hands.



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