
Movement skills/concepts
Static balance, body and space awareness.

Children, each with a mat, are spread out in a defined area with an even surface.

Who can balance while making …?

  • narrow/wide/twisted/curl shape with your body in a standing position
  • the same shape as above but resting on other part(s) of the body, (e.g. a wide shape while your hands and feet are on the ground)
  • wide shape with your upper body and a narrow shape with your lower body
  • twisted shape with your upper body and a curled shape with your lower body
  • symmetrical/asymmetrical shape
  • shape at different levels – low, medium and high
  • the shape of a letter of the alphabet, (e.g. X, T, C, F, I, L, O, V, Y)
  • number shape, (e.g. 7, 6, 2)
  • the shape of the first letter of your name or your favourite number

Can you see …?
• children being creative
• tight muscles
• balancing like a statue – not moving
• eyes up

You could ask …
Which body shape made it easy to balance? Could you be pushed over in that shape?
Which body shape made it easy to be pushed over?

Create a shape story: Make up a travelling shape story, (e.g. move from a wide shape to a twisted shape to a curled shape). Keep the transitions smooth.
Make group shapes: As a small group, form simple three or four-letter words, (e.g. OAR, BIRD, SUN, CAT, MAN).


Review Skill/Activity, stretching, and questions.


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