
Movement skills/concepts

Inverted static balance, body and space awareness.


Wall, chairs, safety mats.

Mats are scattered in a defined area, with children sharing each mat.


Shoulder stand: Start in a crouched position with fingers touching the mat. Rock back so your bottom, then back, then shoulders touch the floor. Support your weight by bending your arms at the elbows and supporting your hips with your hands. Hold for 3 seconds and then slowly roll back into a crouched position.

Tripod balance: Start in a crouched position, make a triangle with your hands and head, and walk one knee and then the other onto your elbows. Weight is on the crown of your head, not your forehead. ‘Squeeze’ your fingers.

Handstand: Stand with your back against a wall. Beginning in a squat position, place your hands flat on the mat, keeping your arms straight. Walk up the wall then down, keeping a tight body.

Kick ups: Face the wall, one foot in front of the other (front–back stance). Lean forward and place your hands down on the mat, shoulder width apart and fingers pointing forwards. Using your back leg as a lever, kick your leg upward so that the weight is supported by your arms. Come down safely by twisting your trunk slightly to bring feet down in a new place.

Can you see …?

  • wide base of support
  • tight body
  • control when engaging and disengaging
  • support where needed

You could ask …

What do you need to do to balance in an inverted position?

What are some ways you can safely come out of a balance? Show me.


Inverted balance on equipment: Do a shoulder stand between two chairs. Make sure that the chairs are stable, and that support is available.


Review Skill/Activity, stretching, and questions.


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