Learning Outcome
Players explore balancing with different body positions while stretching from inside a hoop.
Activity Description
Players stand in a hoop or a marked circle.
Players make a body position with both feet inside the hoop and both arms outside of the hoop.
They hold the position for a set time, then stand up and repeat using a different position where feet are inside and hands outside the hoop.
Have 2 hands on the floor and 1 foot off the floor.
Put 1 hand on the floor and 2 feet on the floor.
Have 1 hand off the floor and 1 foot off the floor.
Move a raised foot or hand.
Vary the length of time the position needs to be held for (e.g. 5-30 seconds).
Required Material
4 Boundary cone,1 piece of chalk, skipping rope or hoop per player