Learning Outcome
Understand the concept of good balance and movements safely with balance. Use Skills of Dodging & Fleeing while balancing
Activity Description
Explain to the students that they are the birthday cake and their noodlette is the birthday candle. The objective is to keep the candle (noodlette) on your head while moving away from the other birthday cakes (students). All the students are trying to wish themselves a Happy Birthday by blowing the candles off the other birthday cakes. If the noodlette falls off or is blown off by another student wishing themselves a Happy Birthday, then the student will pick up the noodlette, go over to the side and perform a fitness activity. Upon completion of the fitness activity, the student places the candle (noodlette) back on top of his/her birthday cake (head) and continues playing.
Before playing this activity have the students practice walking around while balancing their noodlette on their head without disturbing others.
Allow the students to try different ways of balancing the noodlette on their heads (noodlette standing up, noodlette laying down, noodlette facing sideways, or noodlette facing forward).
Required Material
4 Boundary cone, 1 noodlette per student