
Movement skills/concepts

Walking to a  rhythm and working with others (relationships).


  • Marching music.
  • A defined hard or grass area with an end line and a baseline.
  • Children in pairs: partners stand at opposite sides of the area, facing the end line. A caller stands on the baseline.


Caller: Come down the centre in twos.

Each child marches to meet their partner at the end line. As a pair meets, they turn and march down the centre of the area to the baseline.

Caller: Two right and two left.

The first pair turns to the right, the second to the left, and so on.

Caller: Come down the centre in fours.

When the two lead pairs meet at the end line, they walk four abreast down the centre.

Caller: Four right and four left.

Children divide again, with four children to the right and four to the left.

Caller: Come down the centre in eights.

When lines of four meet again at the end line, they join together to form a line of eight abreast.


Work in fours: Come down the centre in fours, separate into pairs, form arches or go ‘over and under’.


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