Movement skills/concepts
Static and dynamic balance, relationships (with others), body and space awareness.
Hard or grass surface.
Each group of four stands in a line with a leader at the front.
The group walks or jogs a short distance behind the leader. When the leader turns around, all the followers ‘freeze’ on the spot.
Any children who move or who are slow to stop collect a ‘thaw’ point.
Repeat several times – the leader can change the type of movement to skipping or galloping etc. Change the leader after several turns.
Who can avoid collecting any thaw points?
Can you see …?
- quick reactions
- using space
- tight muscles
- stable base
- eyes on leader
You could ask …
What can you do to freeze suddenly when the leader turns? Can you hold your shape for three seconds?
Vary movement: Change the type of movement after each stop, (e.g. to hopping, crawling).
Vary body shape: Leader nominates some kind of statue position, which the children assume, (e.g. ballerina, tall shape, stretched elastic).
Review Skill/Activity, stretching, and questions.