
Learning Outcome

This activity develops leg coordination, dynamic balance, and speed. These skills transfer to sports and activities that involve dynamic balance and speed (e.g., soccer, basketball, hockey, volleyball, racquet sports, martial arts, dance).

Activity Description

Either indoors or outdoors, have your child “lead” you around, over, under, and through obstacles.
If indoors, your child can lead around, over, or under furniture (with your supervision and permission).
If outdoors, your child can lead around, over, under, and through playground equipment, trees, and shrubs.
Encourage leaders to vary movements with walking, running, changing direction, stopping, and starting.
Ensure you are playing in a safe place. Do not play around with cars or mechanical equipment.

Have children take turns being the leader
If you join the game as an adult, make sure the children take turns leading most of the time

Required Material

4 Boundary cone, Ladder


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