
Movement  skills/concepts

Bouncing, balancing, and striking a ball with a bat/racquet, space awareness, (levels and pathways), and relationships.


  • Racquets, padder tennis bats, small balls/balloons, hoops.
  • In a defined hard area, children spread out with a ball and racquet/bat each.


  • put your racquet on the ground and pick it up
  • balance the ball on one side of the racquet
  • balance the ball and move around
  • without changing grip, balance the ball on the other side of the racquet
  • hit the ball up to head height with palm up/down, then alternating palm up/down
  • try the above with the other hand
  • hit the ball up moving forwards/backward/sideways/along specified lines and in a circle
  • hit the ball up 10 times without letting it hit the ground
  • using the racquet bounce the ball on the ground standing still/running

In pairs, who can …?

  • drop the ball and hit it a short distance for your partner to catch
  • drop the ball and hit it to bounce to your partner
  • hit the ball backward and forwards with a partner
  • find a wall and take alternate hits against it
  • hit the ball backward and forwards over a net/bench/rope
  • continue the above while facing side on to the direction of your hit
  • continue the above alternating forehand and backhand


Vary the type of implement: Try different racquets, bats, balls, and shuttlecocks, modifying activities to suit.



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