
Movement skills/concepts

Hopping through different pathways, levels, and qualities (e.g. fast, soft), and relationships (with equipment and partner).


  • Ropes, hoops, discs, cones.
  • Children spread out in defined grass or hard surface area with equipment to hop over.


Children explore ways to hop.

Can you hop …?

  • on the spot, forwards/backward/sideways
  • and turn in the air
  • and turn in the air making a quarter turn/half turn/full turn
  • as quietly/noisily/quickly/slowly as you can
  • as softly/hard as you can three times on your right/left foot
  • alternating hard and soft landings
  • over the rope, into the hoop, onto the disc, around the cones
  • as high as you can, with little low hops, at a medium height
  • as far as you can for distance
  • without using your arms, using only one arm, using your opposite hopping foot
  • alternating feet every eight/four/two beats
  • with partners at the same time/moving forward holding hands/facing each other


Hopping tug of war: In pairs, children hold one of the partner’s hands and hold their non-hopping leg with their other hand, they then try to pull each other off-balance (no rough play).

Follow the leader: In small groups, one person leads the group, one behind the other, on a hopping journey over, on, and through obstacles.




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