

 Ball dribble with one hand while walking in general space.

Equipment Required

4 large cones, 1 basketball per 2 students, 1 spot marker per 2 students

 Play Area Set-Up

  1. Create boundaries for a large activity area with cones.
  2. Scatter spot markers throughout the area.
  3. Pair students, scattered throughout the area.
  4. One student on a spot and the other with a ball.

Activity Description

  1. The partner with the ball is the driver. The partner on the spot is the driving instructor. When I say, “GO!” the drivers are going to dribble throughout the activity area, working hard not to cause a crash.
  2. Driving instructors will watch their drivers. On the stop signal, give the driver’s thumbs upgrade if the driver follows the cues we’ve learned in class. (See grade level progressions for specific criterion.)
  3. After all, drivers have received their grades, switch roles and begin on the start signal

 KEY TEACHING POINTS – Dribble with Finger Pads, Waist High, Eyes Alert, Make Quick Looks

 Grade Level Progression

  1. Drivers dribble in self-space (at their spots) with 1 hand and make more than 1 consecutive dribble.
  2. Drivers dribble continuously in self-space using finger pads.
  3. Drivers dribble continuously while walking in general space, using finger pads with each dribble waist-high.

Challenges & Modifications

  • Prompt students to take a driver’s test dribbling with the non-dominant hand Use foam balls to decrease anxiety and increase student confidence.
  • Continue to work on a bounce and catch with students having difficulty dribbling



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