- Move the ball while moving forward without losing the contact with the stick – keeping under control
- Follow directions by keeping control of equipment and body in order to keep safe and active.
Equipment Required
1 Hockey Stick, 1 ball per student, saucer cones, 4 Large cones for boundary
Play Area Set-Up
- Create boundaries for a large activity area with large cones.
- Line up cones to mark the starting point and endpoint of the dribble. Each student to line up behind the cone.
- Make lanes according to the number of students to allow Dribble with the ball in a straight line for 10m.
Activity Description
Grip & Stance
- Use basic grip
- The left hand grip the stick at the top of the handle and turns it
- The right hand has a loose grip and allows the stick to be turned but also steers the direction of the stick
- Body position is low (knees bent leaning forward) with the arms extended in front of the body
- The stick is positioned with left hand close to the body and right hand out in front – comfortable stance
- The ball is in front of the body (approximately 1 stick length from the player’s ankle)
- Move the ball from right to left – left to right across the body and roll the stick over the ball – no daylight between stick and ball
- Increase the distance of the Indian dribble – start ball, stick, and wrists outside the right side of the body and drag to outside their left
- Keep the ball in front of the body and look up during dribbling (vision)
- Transferring your weight to increase the length of the drag
- Push off on your right foot with the ball on the forehand side – Push off a left foot with the ball on the reverse stick side
- Stick and ball on the right side – look at the time on your watch
- Keep the ball close to your stick
- Carry the ball out in front & to the side of the right foot
- Bend at the knees–straight back–chin up
- Learn to look up while moving so that you can see what is happening around you and you won’t collide with anyone else
- Roll stick over the front of the ball to stop the ball from moving forward & protect
- The only flat side of the stick can touch the ball
GAME: Red Light Green Light (with INDIAN DRIBBLE)
- It’s time to play Red Light, Green Light while we dribble our footballs. Cars use gasoline as fuel and some use electricity. Our bodies use Calories for fuel and we get Calories from food. When we’re physically active, we burn calories. It’s important that we eat healthy food in order to refuel our bodies. Who can give me some examples of healthy foods?
- Your goal is to dribble your football over the end line where I’m standing. I will be at the traffic light first
- When I call out “Green Light,” you will start to dribble toward the other end line. When I call out “Red Light,” you have to stop and freeze immediately, keeping control of your football
- Any student who doesn’t stop on time must go back to the start.
- When you cross the end line that I’m standing on, you score a point and we’ll restart the game