Learning Outcome
Exploring skipping through different pathways and levels, skipping to a rhythm, and relationships (with others).
Activity Description
Children practise different skipping actions. Ask them to show you how they can skip. Provide the following suggestions for them to explore skipping further.
Can you skip …? • like a giant, a fairy, a clown, a toy soldier • making yourself very small and gradually getting taller • being as tall as you can • forwards/sideways/backwards • happily/angrily/sadly, tightly/loosely • quickly/slowly, at varying speeds • in a straight line, in a curved pathway, in a circle, in a figure of 8 • as fast or as slowly as you can, downhill or uphill • without using your arms – now swing your arms outwards, inwards and diagonally • to the beat of the drum or to music • without touching any lines on the floor, or cracks on the concrete • and see how many skips it takes for you to get from ‘here’ to ‘there’ • with a partner – going backwards while your partner goes forwards, holding hands so you both skip around on the spot What are some other ways you can skip?
Can you see …? • fun • creativity • children coming up with their own ideas You could ask … What did you enjoy the most about skipping? How did you and your partner skip together?
Variations Follow the leader: One child is the leader who the others follow on a skipping journey
Required Material
4 Boundary cone, Skipping rope