

  • Practice the batting & Fielding techniques

Equipment Required

  • 1 stump
  • 3 markers
  • 1 bat and 1 ball per game 

Play Area Set-Up

  1. Define a playing area through cone markers and pitch by putting stumps for striker & non-striker ends
  2. Place a tee/saucer cone for hitting the ball

Activity Description

  1. The game can be played in teams or by having a fielder replace a batter when they have completed their turn.
  2. The helper rolls the ball to the batter who hits the ball into the field and then runs around one of the markers to the left or right.
  3. The fielders must return the ball to the bowler who can bowl the ball at any time.
  4. Batters can be out in 3 ways – caught by the fielder before the ball hits the ground, bowled either missing the ball or not getting back in time to hit the ball or hit wicket.
  5. Ensure fielders rotate in their positions.

  Grade Level Progression 

  1. Shorten or widen the play area to increase batting & fielding complexities.
  2. For advanced players the ball may be lobbed underarm by the helper)
  3. Instead of Stumps use Buckets where if the bowler hits the stumps the batsman is out and if the ball goes into the buckets while bowling/fielding the complete batting team is out.

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