Movement skills/concepts
Volleying ball to a stationary target, moving into space, changing direction and speed.
- Lightweight balls.
- Groups of four–five, with one ball per group, are spread out in a circle in a grass or hard surface area, with about 2 meters between each child. One child stands in the center of the circle and has the ball.
The child in the middle throws a high lob to one child in the circle, who volleys it back to the first child. This is repeated until each child has had a turn. The child in the middle is replaced by another child.
- moving the body under the ball
- fingers spread – contact with pads of fingers
- bending and extending – bending knees to receive, and extending legs and arms upward on contact
- following through
Pass around the circle: The first child in the circle throws the ball to the child on their left, who then volleys it in the air and catches it before throwing it to the next child on their left.
Increase challenge: Players try to volley around the circle without catching the ball.