Towe of Noodles

Towe of Noodles


Learning Outcome 

Understand the concept of Aerobic Capacity, Speed, Agility

Activity Description

Each person will have an island (Spot Marker) and a piece of treasure (noodlette). The object is to collect the most treasure. Students may only pick up one piece of treasure at a time and then must take it back to their island. No one may guard their island, or cover up their treasure during the game.
Main Game – Leaning Tower of Noodles
All students will collect a noodle then find a partner. The teacher will have the partners find an open space in the activity area where they will stand one step apart. Each partner will place their noodles on the floor like a tower with their hand on top. When the activity begins, they will say “go” and let go of their noodle and attempt to catch their partner’s noodle before it falls to the ground. If successful, they will each take a step further apart and try it again. If they are unsuccessful, they may try again from the same distance. The game continues until the warm-up is over. For safety, students may not dive or slide on the floor.

Required Material

4 Boundary cone, Spot Marker, 1 noodle per student, Many noodlettes

Noodle Pop-Up

Noodle Pop-Up


Learning Outcome

Experiment with different ways of Striking and then catching a noodle

Activity Description

Activity 1 : Flip & Catch
Show how to flip it end over and catch it. Emphasize trying to catch the end that is far away when they start so that it only does one half of a rotation.
Partner Game: Make it a partner game where one flips where the other catches in turns.
Activity 2: Kick & Catch
Show how to kick the noodle on one end using Thigh/foot and catch it. Emphasize trying to keep control of the noodle when kicked and it should remain straight to make it easy to catch.
Partner Game: Make it a partner game where one kicks where the other catches in turns. Reemphasize working in a confined space and prevent noodles from floating around in the air.
Activity 3: Hand Toss & Catch
Toss with hand & strike: Show how to strike the noodle on one end using your hand and catch it. Emphasize trying to keep control of the noodle when kicked and it should remain straight to make it easy to catch.
Partner Game: Make students play the game with a partner where like Volleyball serve where one student tosses & strikes using hand and the partner student catches it. Have them do it turn-wise.

Required Material

4 Boundary cone, noodle

Noodle Catch

Noodle Catch


Learning Outcome

Experiment with different ways of tossing and then catching a noodle

Activity Description

Activity 1: Drop & Catch
Show and tell the students how to hold the noodle straight up and down, drop it, and catch it after it bounces (this is tricky too!). Emphasize being in control
Challenges: Increase the speed of dropping by increasing the drop height.
Activity 2: Toss & Catch
Show and tell how to toss the noodle in the air (emphasize on keeping it straight up) and catch it with both hands.
Challenges: Start by keeping the throw low, then medium-high, and then higher
Emphasize being in control of the noodle throw and not trespass others personal space
Activity 3: Horse Shoe catch & Toss
A partner game where one student holds the noodle-making a
Horse Shoe shape by bending the noodle; the other students throw the ball towards the student holding the noodle who tries to catch the ball by creating an appropriate gap while holding the noodle in the Horseshoe shape

Reverse Horseshoe Catch & Toss – Repeat the exercise by reversing the horseshoe shape

Required Material

4 Boundary cone, Noodle

Noodle Fitness

Noodle Fitness


Learning Outcome 

Use of soft touches on the noodle in order to keep it in personal space.Able to understand and demonstrate positions & movements using the correct vocabulary.

Activity Description

Activity 1: Make a Bridge
Show and tell how to make a bridge over their noodle. Have them make their bridges wide, narrow, high, low, with only one hand, with only one foot, etc
Activity 2: Noodle push-ups
Have the student do push-ups over the noodle and try to get as low as the noodle on the floor
Activity 3: Noodle Sit-ups
Have them do sit-ups holding noodles with both hands. Have them try to touch their knees with the noodle when they are moving up. The teacher should ensure they are doing sit-ups correctly and not hurting their back
Key Teaching points: Explain to the students how exercising their arms will make them stronger and their muscles bigger.

Required Material

4 Boundary cone, Noodle

Balance Ball

Balance Ball


Learning Outcome

Continuously dribble basketball through different challenges.

Activity Description

Are you up for a Balance Ball challenge? Were going to practice dribbling with one hand while we balance a bean bag on top of the other hand.
Put the bean bag in your hand. When I say, GO! begin dribbling and continue until you hear the stop signal.
Scaffold this activity by introducing the bean bag task without any attempt at dribbling. Prompt students to move in different ways while balancing the bean bag. With advanced K students, you may be able to introduce a dribble.
Prompt students to dribble continuously in self-space while balancing the bean bag.
Prompt students to alternate dominant/non-dominant hands. Challenge students to dribble continuously while walking in general space.

Required Material

4 Boundary cone, Plastic basketball


Rolling Down A Hill

Rolling Down A Hill


Learning Outcome 
This activity develops body proprioception and balance as kids roll because they learn how to differentiate up from down even when it keeps changing.

Activity Description

Get your child to stretch out at the top of a small grass hill, arms above head.
Encourage your child to roll down the hill like a log.

TIP: Remove jewelry and wear comfortable clothing.

TIP: Make sure there are no sharp objects, rocks, or obstacles in the grass.


Required Material

4 Boundary cone, Yoga mat


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