Bean Bag Exploration

Bean Bag Exploration


Learning Outcome 

Experiment with different ways of tossing and then catching a bean bag with control. Demonstrate underhand toss to hit a target with a bean bag.

Activity Description

Super Moves
With bean bag on the floor:
Stretch your body and log roll over it back and forth.
Start low like a frog, and then jump over it backward and forward; side-to-side.
Sit on the floor. Stretch and curl by picking the beanbag up with your feet, reaching and touching it with your hands, and then stretching and setting it back down.
Balancing Act
With bean bag balancing on head, shoulders, or back:
Balance on one foot. Shift to balance on the other foot.
Sit and then stand again. If the beanbag falls, try again.
In plank position, slowly slide your feet around in a circle.

Required Material

4 Boundary cone, Bean bag

Can You Jump Up?

Can You Jump Up?


Learning Outcome

Jumping for height, in different levels and directions, and in personal and general space.

Activity Description

Can you jump up …?
as high/low as you can
from a crouched position
and land lightly/heavily and on the same/different spot
without using your arms
as quickly as you can
and keep your head down
and remain stiff
being as relaxed as you can
and land slightly forward
like a rocket
and land in your own space
like a growing flower

Required Material

4 Boundary cone

Can You Jump Far?

Can You Jump Far?


Learning Outcome

Learning Outcome Activity Description Required Material

Activity Description

Who can jump …? (or Can you jump …?)
as quietly/loudly as possible
from a small crouch
very fast/slow
in a straight line
like a giant/frog
as if you are on ice
with legs and arms stiff
keeping your arms out from your side
with your legs apart
and land with your feet apart

Required Material

4 Boundary cone


Can You Walk?

Can You Walk?


Learning Outcome

Exploring walking through space in different levels and directions, using different body parts and at different speeds and flow.

Activity Description

Ask ‘Can you walk …?’ (or Who can walk …?)
forward, backward, sideways, diagonally
tall, small, middle-height
on toes/heels
with small/long steps
in a circle, in a zigzag, on a line
as if you are in the rain, a strong wind, in the dark
fast over a short distance
like a fashion model/soldier
changing direction on signal
in a straight line, curved line
making shapes, letters, numbers, words
with your elbow/head/seat leading
in funny ways – who is the funniest?

Required Material

Bean Bag Balance on head

Bean Bag Balance on head


Learning Outcome

This activity develops coordination and balance.

Activity Description

Have your child balance a bean bag on the head while walking along a balance beam, a length of rope, or along a line marked out on the ground.
Increase the challenge by asking your kids to keep the bean bag on their heads while:
doing a heel-toe walk
walking around obstacles
lowering the body to touch an object on the ground!

Required Material

4 Boundary cone, Bean bag

Animal Walk – Kangaroo Jumps

Animal Walk – Kangaroo Jumps


Learning Outcome

Learn how a “kangaroo” looks like when it is jumping and sitting on the ground.

Activity Description

Demonstrate to children what a “kangaroo” looks like when it is jumping and what it might look like when it is still.
Have all children stand up and show you their “kangaroo” jumping.
When the teacher starts the music, the game begins. If I stop the music, everyone has to freeze like a kangaroo.
Change who is “it” every 60 seconds
Participate yourself to provide an example for children who might need help.
Students should understand the difference between a two-foot take-off (jump) and using one foot (hop).
The teacher tells the students to move around general space while using a certain locomotor skill when the music begins. (Walking is a good method to use at first to control the speed of movement in general space.) When the music stops, the students will stand on the closest spot.
At this time, the instructor gives them a jumping or hopping task to perform. After about 15 seconds, begin the music again. Be sure to reinforce which type of locomotor movement the students may use during the music time.
Examples of jumping/hopping tasks:
1) Jump on and off the spot.
2) Hop on and off the spot.
3) Jump side to side over the spot.
4) Hop around the spot.
5) Jump forward and backward over the spot.
6) Hop around the spot.
7) Straddle jumps the spot. (Both feet on, and both feet off.)
8) In a straddle position, jump side-to-side changing which foot lands on the spot.
9) Jump up in the air in a straddle jump and land with both feet on the spot.

Required Material

4 Boundary cone


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