by Neetu | May 31, 2021 | Manthan
Learning Outcome
This activity develops hand-eye coordination and timing while using a striking tool (such as a bat, a racquet, or a hockey stick).
Activity Description
Wrap one end of the stick with hockey tape to form a handgrip.
In an outdoor place (yard or park), hit the ball or tin can around on the ground.
Make sure your child does not hit animals or other children.
As your child develops better control of the stick, try rolling a ball for them to hit
Required Material
4 Boundry cone, Hockey, Ball(s) 10-25 cm in diameter or empty tin can
by Neetu | May 31, 2021 | Manthan
Learning Outcome
Jumping for height, leaping, scissor jump, jumping over low obstacles, landing, and space awareness.
Activity Description
Can you …
• jump high in the air and land in your own space – jump two feet to two feet
• walk around the area and then, on the signal, jump high in the air by taking off on one foot and landing on the opposite foot – what kind of jump is this?
• walk around the area, which has balloons suspended around it, and, using a two-feet take-off and two-feet landing, jump to touch the balloons, like a rugby player in a line-out or a basketball player in a jump-off
• move towards a balloon with some running steps and take off with one foot, reaching high to touch the balloon with one hand and landing on one foot
• use a scissor action (taking off on one foot, landing on the other) to jump over a low obstacle, like a low hurdle, then over gradually increasing heights
Can you see …?
• crouching to prepare for take-off
• swinging arms back and upwards
• ‘exploding’ upwards
• bent knees in landing
• scissor jump – leg closest to obstacle swings up and forward first
You could ask …
Which type of jump gives you more height? Why? How do you land safely?
Use benches: Jump on and off benches (e.g. low box tops and benches). Leap up to the bench with a one-foot or two-foot take-off, and land with two feet both on the bench and on the ground.
Add ball: Jump and catch a high ball.
Required Material
by Neetu | May 31, 2021 | Manthan
Learning Outcome
The students will use their imagination and move creatively in an attempt to stump the teacher.
Activity Description
Tell the students to think of an animal. Tell them to imagine they are that animal. Tell them to pretend to be that animal when the music begins. Tell the students to stop (using your class protocol) when the music stops. Let the students know you will try to name the animal they are pretending to be. Now turn the music on. Observe as the students move like their selected animal. Use the pen and paper to write down some of the animals you saw. Now turn the music off. When the students stop, read the list of animals that they saw. There will be some animals that you didn’t name. Have those students tell you and the class the name of their animal. Tell those students that they “stumped” you. Of course, you should tell them what the word “stumped” means. Play several more rounds of this game, but use a different category each time. Here are some categories you can try.
1. Animals
2. Pets
3. Farm Animals
4. Sports
5. Tools, equipment
6. Household chores
7. Transportation (Trains, planes, cars, etc.)
You can be more specific when naming categories. For example, you can use basketball as a category instead of sports. This will allow the students to focus on specific movements in one specific sport instead of trying to think too long about a sport.
Required Material
4 Boundary cone, Music that can be quickly and easily turned on and off. A piece of paper and a pen.
by Neetu | May 31, 2021 | Manthan
Learning Outcome
Experiment with different ways of tossing and then catching a bean bag with control. Demonstrate underhand toss to hit a target with a bean bag.
Activity Description
Slow and Fast
Use your foot to slowly slide the bean bag around the activity area.
Slide the bean bag on the ground, back and forth from hand to hand. How fast can you make the bean bag slide while keeping it under control?
Target Practice Each student finds a spot on the wall as a target (e.g., a brick, piece of paper, etc.) Toss the bean bag underhand to:
Hit the center of the target.
Hit the edges of the target.
Hit just above (below, to the sides) of the target.
Required Material
4 Boundary cone, bean bag
by Neetu | May 31, 2021 | Manthan
Learning Outcome
Understand the concept of good balance and movements safely with balance. Use Skills of Dodging & Fleeing while balancing
Activity Description
Explain to the students that they are the birthday cake and their noodlette is the birthday candle. The objective is to keep the candle (noodlette) on your head while moving away from the other birthday cakes (students). All the students are trying to wish themselves a Happy Birthday by blowing the candles off the other birthday cakes. If the noodlette falls off or is blown off by another student wishing themselves a Happy Birthday, then the student will pick up the noodlette, go over to the side and perform a fitness activity. Upon completion of the fitness activity, the student places the candle (noodlette) back on top of his/her birthday cake (head) and continues playing.
Before playing this activity have the students practice walking around while balancing their noodlette on their head without disturbing others.
Allow the students to try different ways of balancing the noodlette on their heads (noodlette standing up, noodlette laying down, noodlette facing sideways, or noodlette facing forward).
Required Material
4 Boundary cone, 1 noodlette per student
by Neetu | May 31, 2021 | Manthan
Learning Outcome
This activity develops coordination and balance.
Activity Description
Today we’re going to have fun exploring activities with Bean Bags. I will show you a movement activity and then you’ll repeat after me With bean bag balancing on head, shoulders, or back:
The balance on one foot. Shift to balance on the other foot.
Sit and then stand again. If the beanbag falls, try again.
In plank position, slowly slide your feet around in a circle.
Required Material
4 Boundary cone, bean bag