Balance the Beans

Balance the Beans


Learning Outcome

To introduce the skill of balancing and to combine it with different movement concepts. Students should have experience with spatial awareness and relationships.

Activity Description

1. Students practice balancing a beanbag on their heads (or another body part) while stationary.

2. Students practice balancing a beanbag on their heads (or another body part) while moving in general space.

3. Students practice balancing a beanbag on their heads (or another body part) while moving through an obstacle course set up throughout the gym.

4. Partners. Students take turns being the follower and the leader while traveling through general space with a beanbag balanced on their heads (or another body part).

5. Partners. Students take turns being the follower and the leader while traveling through the obstacle course with a beanbag balanced on his/her head (or another body part).

CUES: No wiggles-have a steady body, smooth (and slow) movements, eyes looking forward and outward (pick a target on the wall).

Suggested obstacles for the obstacle course:

1. Jump rope- Students pretend that the jump ropes are tight ropes.
2. Hula hoops- Students travel clockwise or counterclockwise around hula hoops.
3. Limbo bars- Students travel over or under the limbo bar.
4. Half donut mats- Students crawl underneath the half donut mats.
5. Incline mats-Student travel up or down the incline mats.

Teaching Suggestions:

At the end of the lesson, the teacher will ask students to show their best-balanced positions and will ask the students why those are their best-balanced positions.

Required Material

4 Boundary cone, Bean bags, jump ropes, hula hoops, limbo bars, half donut mats, and incline mats.

Balloon Catching

Balloon Catching


Learning Outcome

Today we are going to practice the skills of throwing or tossing a balloon straight up into the air and then catch.

Activity Description

In order to throw the balloon straight into the air children should follow these simple directions:
Hold the balloon out in front of you with one hand on each side of the balloon.
Lower the balloon below your waist so that the balloon almost touches your knees.
raise both hands into the air and let go of the balloon as it passes your nose.

Timing the release of the balloon is important. If the balloon is released too soon it may travel far out in front of the child where it is hard to catch. If the balloon is released too late it will travel behind the child and be impossible to catch. Initially, the teacher should encourage children to throw the balloon only a few feet into the air.

In order for young children to catch the balloon, they must learn to focus their eyes on the object as it travels through the air. It is difficult to catch an object if you are not looking at it. Children should focus on looking at the balloon and then wrapping their hands around the balloon when it comes back down close to their body.

Required Material

4 Bonunday cone, balloon

Noodle Exploration

Noodle Exploration


Learning Outcome

Use of soft touches on the noodle in order to keep it in personal space.Able to understand and demonstrate positions & movements using the correct vocabulary.

Activity Description

Activity 1: Thread the Needle
While standing with legs widespread and have the students move the noodle (using both hands) into the space between the legs
from front to back around one leg only
repeat the same with another leg
have them take turns around both legs making a figure of 8
have then turned it around their neck & head
Activity 2: Noodle Alphabet
Partners work together to spell simple words using their noodles and their bodies. Each pair will start on one end of the playing area. On the other side of the space, the teacher will place flashcards with vocabulary words. When the activity begins, one partner at a time will jog and pick up a flashcard and bring it back. Once back together, the partners will work together to spell the vocabulary word one letter at a time. When the task is complete, the second partner will return the flashcard and pick up a new one. How many words can each team spell in a time designated by the teacher?

Required Material

4 Boundary cone, 1 noodle per student, 1 spot marker per student

Bean Bag Golf

Bean Bag Golf


Learning Outcome 

This activity develops throwing.

Activity Description 

Place a start marker in the play area with the first hula hoop approximately 3-4 meters away. This is the first golf hole.
Place your next start marker near the first hoop with the second hoop approximately 3-4 meters away. This is your second golf hole.
Continue to place more markers and hoops to create as many golf holes as you want.
Starting at the first marker, participants try to throw their bean bags into the first hoop.
If their bean bag misses the hoop, participants retrieve their bean bag, return to the start line, and throw again until the bean bag lands in the hoop.
Participants move to the next start marker and play the next golf hole.
The game ends when all participants have gotten their bean bags into all the hoops and completed the entire golf course.

Required Material

4 Boundary cone, Bean bag, hula hoop

Bounce & Catch

Bounce & Catch


Learning Outcome

Demonstrate & develop accuracy while catching (eyes on the ball, fingers apart, catch with hands)

Activity Description

It’s time to Bounce and Catch with an added challenge!
When I say, GO! everyone will begin bouncing and catching their balls. While you’re practicing, I’ll be going around to each student and challenging you to catch a ball that I bounce to you.
Keep practicing until you hear the stop signal.
The prompt student gets their hands ready for the ball to catch a soft bounce pass.
Prompt students to show hands, working to catch the ball with hands, rather than trapping it against their body.
practicing Bounce and Catch on their own to try and add a clap (or several claps) before each catch.

Required Material

4 Boundary cone, soft call, beach ball

Scarf Exploration

Scarf Exploration


Learning Outcome 

Follow the instructions and engage in different locomotor skills and demonstrate 3 different pathways while doing the activity. Experiment with different ways of tossing and then catching a scarf.

Activity Description

Waive scarf at a high level, skip in open space.
Waive scarf at a medium level, side-slide in open space.
Waive scarf at a low level, walk-in open space.
Hold the scarf in front, draw a straight pathway in the air.
Draw a curved pathway like a rainbow.
Draw a zig-zag pathway.
Now use each of these pathways to march in open space.

Required Material

4 Boundary cone, scarf


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