Island Hopping
Learning Outcome
Today you are going to perform the locomotor skill – Hopping.
Activity Description
When “Teacher says…”, children look at what the Teacher is doing and then follow the command.
Signal to the children to stop after 5-10 seconds, then gives a new command.
If I do not say “Simon says…” before a command, children should remain still.
Once the leader has done several commands, children may be given turns to lead the activity.
Suggestions for commands:
Jump on the spot, Hop on the spot on one foot, March like a soldier on the spot (knees up), Walk around slowly, Follow the leader while walking quickly, Jump around on two feet, Hop around on one foot, Skip around, Walk like a crab, Walk like a duck, Leap like a frog.
Place hoops around the activity space (one hoop per child).
Explain that the hoops are islands.
Call out a way for children to move (see Activity 1 above).
Children must move around the “water” between and around the islands (hoops).
When I call “shark attack!”, children must jump onto an island to be safe.
Once you have played a few rounds, take away half of the hoops.
Children are now allowed to “share” their island with one other friend.
Required Material
4 Boundary cone