Work on striking skills and learn how different amount of force is needed while striking
Equipment Required
- 1 Hoop & 1 Beach Volley Ball per pair of students.
- Spot marker/saucer cone for every kid.
Play Area Set-Up
- Scatter spots throughout the activity area.
- Each student with a Beach Volley Ball standing at a spot
Activity Description
- It’s time to play Bull’s Eye! You’re going to try to underhand serve your ball so that it lands in your hoop.
- On the start signal, take turns serving the ball so that it lands in your hoop.
- Attempt 3 serves and then switch roles with your partner
KEY TEACHING POINTS – Square to Target, Opposite Foot Forward, Tick Tock Swing, Contact Beach Volley Ball with Palm Waist High, Follow Through Up Toward Target
Grade Level Progression
- Introduce the activity with students tossing the ball into the hoop. This establishes the activity management and demonstrates the task objective to the students. Then progress to the underhand serve.
- Implement the activity as written above.
- Challenge students to take a step back from the hoop after 3 successful serves in a row.
Challenges & Modifications
- Play Match Me If You Can. Give each pair a spot marker. Partner A attempts a serve from the spot. If the serve lands in the hoop, Partner B must attempt a serve from the same spot. If not, Partner B can move the spot and attempt a serve.
- Allow students to select an object to serve that promote greater success and/or enjoyment (e.g., a Beach Volley Ball).