
Movement skills/concepts

Falling forwards and backwards, landing on feet and body awareness.


Benches, box tops, mats, hoops, ropes, chalk.

Children, equipment and targets are spread out in a general space.


Children move in random directions to a specified pattern (e.g. eight runs, fall forwards and freeze; or eight skips, jump to stand still, and fall backwards).

Children ‘make-believe’ they are falling and landing. Examples are:

  • landing from a parachute jump
  • falling from a bicycle
  • falling while ice skating or rollerblading
  • being tripped in a game of netball/soccer
  • losing balance while walking along a steep cliff and rolling down the bank
  • slipping off the monkey bars and falling on the

Can you see …?

  • landing surfaces safe and even
  • awareness of others
  • correct techniques

You could ask …

What is the first thing you need to think about when you lose your balance or start to fall? Why is this?

Children often break an arm or collarbone when they fall. What can you do to prevent this when you fall?


Review Skill/Activity, stretching, and questions.


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