Learning Outcome
Experiment with different ways of tossing and then catching a bean bag with control. Demonstrate underhand toss to hit a target with a bean bag.
Activity Description
Super Moves
With bean bag on the floor:
Stretch your body and log roll over it back and forth.
Start low like a frog, and then jump over it backward and forward; side-to-side.
Sit on the floor. Stretch and curl by picking the beanbag up with your feet, reaching and touching it with your hands, and then stretching and setting it back down.
Balancing Act
With bean bag balancing on head, shoulders, or back:
Balance on one foot. Shift to balance on the other foot.
Sit and then stand again. If the beanbag falls, try again.
In plank position, slowly slide your feet around in a circle.
Required Material
4 Boundary cone, Bean bag