Learning Outcome
Move safely in self-space, today we are going to play Beanbag Bandage. In this game, the Patient was injured while and the doctors need to figure out where to put the bandage.
Activity Description
1.It’s time to play Beanbag Bandage. The Patient was injured while playing and the doctors need to figure out where to put the bandage.
2.Altogether, the doctors will ask, “Where does it hurt?” The Patient picks a body part to call out and places the beanbag over the injury. For example, “My elbow hurts!”
3.All of the doctors follow along by also placing beanbags on their elbows and saying, “All bandaged up! Is that better?” The patient says, “Yes, thank you!”
4.The doctors ask again, “Where does it hurt?” The Patient says another body part, “My toes hurt!” This continues until the teacher stops play and chooses new Patients.
Required Material
4 Boundary cone, bean bag