- Experiment with different ways of tossing and then catching a bean bag with control
- Demonstrate underhand toss to hit a target with bean bag
Equipment Required
- Four cones for boundaries (same color).
- Spot marker for every kid.
- Music Player & pen drive.
- 1 bean bag per student.
Play Area Set-Up
Students scattered in the activity area, each with a bean bag.
Activity Description
Today we’re going to have fun exploring activities with Bean Bags. I will show you a movement activity and then you’ll repeat after me
With bean bag balancing on head, shoulders, or back:
- The balance on one foot. Shift to balance on the other foot.
- Sit and then stand again. If the beanbag falls, try again.
In plank position, slowly slide your feet around in a circle.
Wrap Up: (2 minutes)
What was the objective of your class? Can you tell me the shape of the beanbag? Color of beanbag?